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quiet lake中文是什么意思

用"quiet lake"造句"quiet lake"怎么读"quiet lake" in a sentence


  • 夸伊特湖


  • Sitting in the teahouse , coffee bar , you can see trees in the wind , flourishing grass in the front yard , quiet lake surface outside window
  • Quiet lake clear to can see bottom , transparency up to 30 over , 9 stockaded village come back and does not watch water , it seems that there is so pure water quality only in the fairy tale too . . .
    宁静的湖泊清可见底,透明度达30余米,九寨归来不看水,似乎也只有童话里才有这样纯净的水质了。 。 。
  • Its unique plateau landscape , snow - capped mountains reaching into the sky , vast grasslands , galloping streams and quiet lakes are especialy charming . the 600 - square - kilometer yamzho yumco is a fairy land on earth . the picturesque yarlung river valley is a stretch of open country criss - crossed by rivers and paths in the fields where wheat ripples in the wind
用"quiet lake"造句  
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